The Favorite Words Project

The Favorite Words Project collected people’s favorite words from April, 2011 to April, 2012 and published them first as a living installation on t-shirts and bumper stickers and then as a word universe 3-panel poster designed by Meg Willing!

It's intentions were to celebrate language through favorite words, to begin a dialogue about the role of words in our lives, and to bring these words together to hear the whole community speak.

Some questions we asked as the words came in and swirled through our heads: Why is this word favorite? What does the word represent? Is the word of or about the individual who names it? Is the word a prayer? Is the word a tool? Is the word art in itself? Why is one word more popular than another? If we own our favorite words, how does that change us? If we speak our favorite words, how does that change the world around us?

Favorite Words

CONTRIBUTORS — Find your word on the front and your name on the back!
WORD LOVERS — Laugh, sigh, learn, wonder, pronounce, look up meanings, find your new favorite!

Many thanks to all of you who submitted words! To read a little bit more about the project, read our blog and subscribe to our newsletter.

imagine insouciant pie

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